

Tales of Maj'Eyal Archer Challenge
Status: 3 of 9 Complete

Current Attempt: Undecided
Difficulty: Normal | Permadeath: Adventure
Addons: Stone Wardens DLC, Plenum Tooltip

More Information at the About page.

MrD Scintillating Caves

Video Link: Scintillating Caves

I feel like the video speaks for itself. One thing I did want to clarify; the Devourers' little jump trick is not a glitch, but a feature. It's their little gimmick that makes them challenging. It's still frustrating if you forget or space-out and get yourself surrounded in a more tense situation, but usually not too hard to deal with.

We hit level 10 in this video, so we're officially working with Excellence now. Shoot Down was acquired and even used once or twice this video. I expect that I'll be using it quite a bit, especially once Slow Motion and Rapid Shot get involved. I may try to get Slow Motion before Dreadfell because of all the Skeleton (Master) Archers and their scary pinning shots. I haven't plotted things out quite that firmly, but I imagine that Combat Accuracy will be done, Thick Skin points will still be sparse, and racial talents won't be so demanding that I can't afford it.

I also picked up Dual Arrows, because it's a two arrow skill that costs no stamina and can hit one target twice or take out two trash mobs, depending on how it's used. I know I said I might delay it, but like so many things so far, I lied. It's actually one of my crutch skills and I'm not sure how I forgot that.

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